Women are always in the quest to obtain beautiful blemish free skin. Why else would the beauty industry be worth billions of dollars. A lot of women fail to realize that marked up beauty products does not guarantee smoother skin. You can find useful ingredients right in your kitchen. Ingredients such as brown sugar, honey and oatmeal are useful for getting smoother, healthier looking skin.
First of all, it is important to understand some of the factors that cause the skin to be rough. Skin cells are alive and when they reach their full cycle they die. This leads to accumulation of dead skin cells, it causes the skin to look dull and have a rough texture. So in order to get rid of these accumulated dead skin cells you can manually exfoliate using brown sugar.
A small amount of the brown sugar should be applied to a section of the face and rubbed in a circular motion with moderate intensity. It is important to avoid scrubbing too hard. Continue with this until every part of the face and neck have been scrubbed. Then rinse.
The next step is to moisturize your face with honey. Apply generous amounts of honey then rub into face and neck in a circular motion. Leave the honey on for 15 – 30 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and switch to cold water and rinse for about 15 seconds to reduce the size of pores.
This process should be repeated twice a week for the first week, and once a week for the next three weeks. If you have oily skin, in between sessions you can make oatmeal mask to calm skin, dry out acne and reduce greasiness of skin. All you need is about 1/3 cup of oatmeal mixed with a little water. The mixture should have a thick consistency. Apply to face and leave on for 10 – 20 minutes. If you have dry skin you can add a teaspoon of honey. The oatmeal mask is very useful in calming irritated skin and reducing blemishes.
With these simple recipes you will notice the positive change in your skin texture.
Stock image by waterspirirtjess
Does it really work?
yes it does.I personally do this.
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